Powering Jamaica, One Solar Panel at a Time

Empower Your Future and Save Money
Did you know that you can get all the money you need to install a solar system from NHT?
Single applicant can get $1.5M with payback of $16,000/mth and double application can get $3.0M with payback of $32,000/mth
Click there: Smart Energy Loan FAQs | National Housing Trust
Did you know you can pay less income tax for a year if you install a solar system at you home?
You can get back up to 30% of the cost of installing a solar system at your home, up to
Click there: Jamaicans to benefit from income tax credit for solar systems | Lead Stories | Jamaica Gleaner​​
Paying electricity bill is like renting a house. Once you miss the payment one month, your electricity is likely to be disconnected.
If you install a solar system at your home you will welcome the sun. The brighter and hotter the sun is, the better it is for you. You can use your A/C without watching the electricity.
Why haven't you contacted us yet to get further details?
You can call, send email or chat with us!!!!
​If you own your home and paying more than $16,000/month for electricity, NHT can give you a loan to install a Solar System and stop paying electricity bills.
You can pay NHT the same amount you pay monthly for electricity now and use AC without it costing you more.
NHT will give you a Solar Loan of up to $1.5 Million for single applicant with a monthly payback of approx. $16,000/month.
Join with someone and get $3.0 Million and pay back $32,000 per month.
You can also get back 30% of what you pay to install the solar system, up to a maximum of $4.0m, in income tax credit.
That means, if you install a solar system, you pay less income tax. Wouldn't you want to pay less income tax than you are paying now, for a specified period of time?
It's like the Government paying you to install Solar system at your home.
If that sounds too good to be true, the government gets carbon credit points when you install solar system. So that is why they are willing to give you back money for it.
So government benefit, and you benefits.
Why would you not consider that if you don't have to find the money to install the system?
Sounds like a no brainer to me.
Contact us for details.